Show News

Our girls are enjoying their time on the show bench. 
We're back! Looking forward to 2022...

Lakeland & District Cat Club

What can we say... Massive congratulations to this amazing girl, winning her final Grand Challenge Certificate, 1st and Best of Breed.

Northern Counties & Durham Cat Club

 Kira's first show as a Champion and now competing with a larger class of cats including Birman and Ragamuffins.
Awarded 1st & Grand Challenge Certificate and Best of Breed in BOTH shows.
2nd in her side classes topped off a fantastic day.

Nor'East of Scotland Cat Club

Another adventure to Scotland. A bit further this time, so a relaxing overnight stay in a hotel before the show!
Kira won her next 1st/CC and gained her Champion title. She also was awarded Best of Breed - an amazing day.
1st & 2nd in her side classes.

Lancashire Cat Club

 Kira's next show as an adult and she won 2nd in a very tight contest. Still putting on weight after babies... and far more interested in her neighbours!

Shorthair & All Breed Cat Club of Scotland

 Kira was placed 1st and gained a further Challenge Certificate together with Best of Breed. First in her side class out of 4 cats. Fabulous day out 'north of the border'.

Capital LH All Breed & Eastern LH & SLH All Breed Cat Club

 Kira's first show as an adult and 
she won 1st & CC in the Capital show and 3rd in the Eastern. Another 1st and 3rd in her side classes too. Kira was amazing considering she has had babies and a long time away from the show bench.

Capital LH All Breed & Eastern LH & SLH All Breed Cat Club

Almost a mini-Kira! 
Introducing Ragseddy Yogi Berra who wants to be a star just like his mummy.  I'm so lucky this boy comes to show with his new family. Amazing day with a 1st in both shows and Best of Breed in the Eastern.

North of Britain LH & SLH Cat Club

Kira's next show as a kitten and she won 1st in her class again! Another 2nd in her side class too. Looking forward to her next outing as an adult...

Yorkshire & Cumberland Cat Club 9/11/2019

Kira's first show as a kitten and she won 1st in both the Yorkshire & Cumberland shows including Best of Breed in both shows. An amazing day!

Durham County Cat Club

M was 2nd in her Open class at the Durham County show. Unfortunately, she has decided showing isn't for her and so will be a stay at home Raggie now...

PRBCC & Central Cat Club

M gained 2nd in both the PRBCC and Central shows, against some strong competition. M was also placed 1st and 3rd in her side classes. A busy and fun day!


The TRBCC show, full of gorgeous Raggies. M was 3rd in her Open class and 2nd, 3rd in her side classes. A great day to catch up with the Ragdoll extended family. 

Preston & Blackpool Cat Club

M travelled to Preston for her next show and gained 2nd in her Open class. A very successful 1st & 3rd in her side classes.

North of Britain Long-hair & SLH Cat Club

This was M's first outing as an adult and she was so confident! Awarded 1st and CC in her Open class, together with 1st, 2nd & 3rd in her side classes.
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